What is CMS?

CMS is the software used to create, modify and publish content into a website. Facilities that are generally contained in the CMS are very many, especially those associated with the publication of the contents of the website, the settings page, change the contents, search and others. A CMS, can form a simple program, or it can also be a complex program consisting of various modules in accordance with the facilities contained therein.

CMS is required because the managers or owners of websites that are not proficient in using HTML code to do the making, amending and publishing content on the website itself. CMS provides a framework for management of the processes involved in developing websites that require frequent or management in a high frequency.

Berikut ini adalah keuntungan menggunakan CMS:

• Konsistensi design website dapat dijaga
• Tidak diperlukan keahlian khusus untuk pengelolaan website
• Content yang  dikehendaki dapat dipublikasikan tanpa pengeditan oleh orang lain
• Menghemat biaya untuk mempekerjakan web specialist
• Notifikasi otomatis ke pada pemilik website jika ada content yang sudah kadaluarsa
• Memungkinkan kerjasama yang baik antar pengelola suatu website.
• Mengurangi kompleksitas dalam pengelolaan informasi ke website

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