Joomla Extensions
Simple joomla website without the extension it is less perfect, so take a few extensions that joomla as needed. Joomla! In general, the number of Extension (extension) is very much divided into several types, namely: Component, Language, Modulee, Plugins (Mambots), Special, and Templates. From some of these types can be subdivided into some category. To find out more details, please go to http://extensions.Joomla!.org Extension above run and managed by Joomla!. You can memasanag, remove, and determine the active status of an extension. Extensions on Joomla! divided into several types according to the level of complexity and functionality. Some functionality in Joomla! is an extension installed since the beginning of the installation of Joomla!. Extension was packed from the beginning as it is considered to have the function to be useful for most sites. You'll see examples like this-conroh extension on assorted explanations extension.
Extensions of the most large and complex among other types of extensions. A component may only come in two parts, namely component together with the related module. That is, the component has a display on the front page which is set by the module and can be configured from the administrative section of the menu component.
Extension of the lighter and smaller than the component. These extensions are used in the process of the appearance of content on the page. Menu, polls, ads, etc. have representatives of each module.
Extensions in the form of a programming code that will configure several functions on the Joomla!. For example, when we write articles in a text editor, in fact there is a plugin that works namely tinyme. When receiving the signal, TinyMCE will convert simple text area which had been mendai rich text editor that can be used to thicken the area of writing, set the font, enter
images and so forth.
images and so forth.
Type extensions that set the display of graphics, including colors, graphics and typography, defining character fonts, font size, background image, the spacing, and the bulkhead of the page, in other words, everything associated with the display page of a website.
Type this extension allows the user to install the desired language.
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